Saturday, October 2, 2010

And we're back!

Wow, it's been too long! (Diana - I don't know how you get a post in EVERY day!!! Good work!)

This past week as been super busy, but really awesome! Some of the highlights:

- Last weekend was fun filled with Matt's high school's Homecoming football game, a really great housewarming party in Alexandria, VA for wonderful friends, and a good-bye taco themed potluck for a girlfriend moving to Ohio.

- Second anatomy exam went really well!

- Practice musculoskeletal exam with a standardized patient actor - super helpful in learning how to do a physical exam and get comfortable talking to patients

- Tutoring a Dunbar High School student - which didn't actually go super well... but at least he knows I don't play! He WILL be passing his classes this year. All of them!

- Practice pediatric interview for a 6 month old well-baby visit! It was awesome to have children running around our simulation center (rows of exam rooms set up for us to practice in). Interviewing this new mother and watching her with her baby really helped ground what we are learning each week.

- Quick trip to Harrisburg to see my mom, Bridget, Mike and their new baby Juliana!

So, I will really try much harder to keep up to date with this blog. I do want to describe what we are doing in lab: dissecting the head and neck. We finished with the upper and lower limbs - which means that 80% of her muscles are hanging by one of their tendons to her body - and moved on to our last 2 week block of the super complicated head and neck.

Tuesday's post should have been: "What did you do today?" "Oh, I skinned a head."
Wednesday's post should have been: "Today we sawed the skull open and took out the brain."

Clearly it has been an interesting week.


  1. I sat on my butt at my desk for 10-12 hours per day last week, staring at a computer screen.

    It is so interesting reading what you are doing... I get so into my "bubble" that I forget people out there do so many different / interesting things! And I agree, this was too long between posts.

    I'm so ready to start taking classes again and shake things up a bit. I know it will be busy and stressful but my brain needs more stimulation & human contact than it is getting from staring at my computer for 10 hours/day!

    Good luck dissecting the head/neck!

  2. Hey lady,
    Thanks for the shout out. I've been slacking on keeping up... I was at a conference all week with little/no blogging time (but my own).

    I miss you much and can't wait to see you soon!
