Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Year 23

On Monday I'll start my 23rd year of school. First through 12th grade was 12 years, I went to kindergarten for a year, I actually went to pre-school for two years (my best friend and I were jealous of our older sisters that got to go a year before us... so we went with them a year early. My best friend was our class valedictorian - so I guess that extra year of pre-school paid off!). Then undergrad for 4 years, a masters program in teaching for 2 years, and on the day I received my masters diploma in the mail I started my post-bac pre-med year. Now after exactly one year off, I'm starting my 23rd year of school.

I think I keep signing up for school because I'm good at it, I know what to expect and I like highlighters and sticky notes. It's not the first time this has occurred to me, but it's the first time I'm verbalizing it. I really hope I'm good at being a doctor because I can't keep going to school forever. Plus you have to pay someone else to be a student, and it would be nice to do something that pays me instead.


  1. I didnt know we went to preschool for 2 years! haha your memory is better than mine... must be all that school keeping your brain nice & sharp!!

    I'll be thinking about you on Monday!! I'm so proud of you and there is no doubt in my mind that you'll be a great doctor! I'll give you a call this weekend!

  2. I called Kathy and Susan to confirm that we did indeed go to pre-school for 2 years. They both started with, "I can't remember! Those years were a total blur with all you kids!" But then they said, "Now that you mention it, yes, you did. We were so happy to send two of our kids instead of only the older girls." So there you have it.

  3. You will make a great doctor. And the exciting part about that job is that you constantly have to be learning to stay ahead of the curve. You will forever be able to learn and grow. :)

  4. I think one of the reasons I have been teaching so long is because I love buying all the new school supplies at the beginning of each year. There is something about opening a new notebook and writing in it with a brand new pen in your favorite color ink. Now, if I could only find a way to keep the students from! Good luck, Melissa. You are going to have a great year.
